Male head r., with attributes of Apollo (the style of the head and the corkscrew curled hair), Mercury (the wings on his wreath), and Neptune (the trident behind); date palm tree control-mark behind, l. of trident; dot border.
L.IVL.BVRSIO: Victory in quadriga r., holding reins in l. hand and wreath in r. hand; LXVII control mark in field above horses; dot border.
ROMA: Bust of Hercules seen from behind, with head turned to r., club over l. shoulder; lion skin draped across; shield on l.; A with dots above and below control mark on r.; dot border.
Roma standing facing, holding spear in r. hand and wearing helmet with triple crest; to r., male figure crowning her with r. hand and holding cornucopiae and l. hand; A with dots above and below control mark on l.; laurel wreath as border
RRC 329/1b
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