Utgivare: L. Iulius Bursio
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- Datum
- 86 B.C. - 85 B.C.
- Valör
- Denarius, Denarius
- Myntverk
- Romerska, Romerska
- Åtsida
- Male head r., with attributes of Apollo (the style of the head and the corkscrew curled hair), Mercury (the wings on his wreath), and Neptune (the trident behind); date palm tree control-mark behind, l. of trident; dot border.
- Frånsida
- L.IVL.BVRSIO: Victory in quadriga r., holding reins in l. hand and wreath in r. hand; LXVII control mark in field above horses; dot border.
- Referens
- RRC 352/1c
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