ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT: Head of Caracalla, laureate, right
P M TR P XVI COS IIII P P: Hercules, naked except for lion-skin draped over left arm, standing left, holding branch in right hand and club in left hand
VOTA SUSCEPTA DEC(ENNALIA) III CO(N)S(VL) IIII S(ENATVS) C(ONSVLTVM): Antoninus, veiled, standing left, sacrificing with patera held in right hand over a tripod, left arm at side.
PIETAS: Head of Pietas r., wearing diadem; hair twisted around lower part of diadem; single drop earring; beaded necklace; tendrils falling down the back of her neck; PIETAS downwards behind; line border.
M·HERENNI: Nude male figure bearing a man on his shoulder, r. (one of the Catanaean brothers carrying his father on his shoulder); M.HERENNI downwards l.; H control mark on r.; dot border
Helmeted head of Roma r.; double-drop earring; helmet cut back to show ear; three locks on back of neck; necklace; quadrangular device behind (barely visible); dot border.
T MAL AP CL Q VR: Victory in biga galloping r.; holding reins in l. hand, goad in r.; line border